Friday, May 29, 2020

astropoetry (work in progress)

Trail of effervescent Mercury's abandon.
Charming trickster,
plays upon seasoned winds  -- Quicksilver surf.
Exhale old air’s detritus.
Inhale and whoosh,
under sea-change brew.
Sentimental, far from gentle,
whirlwinds gasp; ambitions,
expected conditions,
wavering memory,
caught up in flying breeze.
Blown out to wailing ocean,
forgotten gills respond --
mer-mind wakes.

Stories are conversations,
characters revealed through

taking on colours
Plutonic, ambient dark
encrypted in the depths
of Father Saturn
as in in death (and the meta)

Gemini Eyes - Phase I
You hurtled me into a faithless dream
All my demons I'd thought I'd quietened
Sent my thoughts down a lustful stream of music
Gemini eyes talk of treacherous love
and I'll never win
Gemini eyes false promise of love,
and I'm caught again
How can I hold you?
The time was weak, my body hurting
It's a time I'm sure the years will soften
You offered all I wanted to need and I wanted
Your Gemini eyes to talk to me of love,
and I'll never win
Gemini eyes, please answer mine with love
Oh, I'm caught again
and I just want to hold you
and let the passion melt my tears
Tear the demons of all my fears
Tear me to destruction, Gemini eyes,
cause I'll never win
Your Gemini eyes got me caught again.
Please let me hold you.

Folie à deux
Me and you
In a world of two
Don’t skip a beat
out on the street
in our non-discreet
Folie à deux
Keep it clean
[Queen to Queen
You make a mean
Folie à deux]
I’m not fine
Sun don’t shine
Unless you’re mine
Folie à deux
Love that style
Hypnotic smile
Bewitched, beguiled

Folie à deux

Astrologer’s Key

The future descends
from fear-embroidered skies.
A vision of holocaust -- when everybody dies.
A new day is dawning, but is it sun or storm?
We have a chance to make our mark,
but is it right or wrong?
The military marches,
the anti-warriors too.
We take our stand in battle,
the many and the few.
Spinning tales of magic, of wizardry and fate;
we want to know just how it ends before it's all too late.
We sing our song too late.
We right our wrongs too late.
We want to know the date.
To find a better fate.

Can I tell you?
Can I help you to understand?
Can I utter words of prophecy that will make you see?
Standing here before you, I want to take your hand
to swirl up into a magical dancing,
divine worlds of beauty entrancing,
to give you the will and wonder to set you free.
Can you see me?

20 minutes into the future

Mercury Trickster
lithely larfing pixels and waves
Happy adventure
creating mayhem silly and brave
wandering worlds, leaping between
with the flick of a dial
bringing a soul feeding smile
to the lips of a beaten down child
slyly ass-kicking evil demeanors
dancing outside the scene
to quicksilver change
flickering out of range
of censor or brute
soldier or suit
to give 'em the boot
when their attention is taken
up in their infernal machine
Immortal mixer
in our mundane affairs
playing at musical chairs
or the game of the day
unattached to our daily cares
merry and gay
spreading that sunny moonshine
then dancing away

Astrology is a study ever so much more complex than sun signs. It is also not a belief. It is a philosophical practice, a way of describing and analyzing, a theoretical tool.

What is "science"? It's not what scientists do, or what we have learned in science class. It is a method to achieve knowledge. As is astrology, which may be classified as a proto-science by some. There is observation and notation and calculations and theorizing and observation, etc. What your average astrologer is doing, like a cook, is using "scientific" principles in practical commonplace application.

Astrology, if nothing else, is one of many symbolic systems which categorizes and in a sense embodies reality. Thus, when we access that language and find wonderous, creative, even scientific ways to express our world with it, we are using the map to better understand, communicate, and expand the territory.

The conceptualization membranes or frames that we place around our world views allow us our individual tools for creating meaning. Thus, for those of us whose frame is astrologically colored, astrology truly does provide a usefully meaningful system of categorization and metaphoric sense. We do not owe any proof to those whose frames are not ours. There is so very much to know and see in our multiverse. Individual framing allows for a greater diversification of views.

We each do create our own reality in that we are each operating on
our unique systems of experience and self. We perceive based on
these systems. We have no idea what "reality" in some objective
sense would be. This does not mean that we create everything that
happens. There are many, many realities operating out there, and
they interact in sometimes unpredictable ways. Like astrology (as
above so below) wherein there are all these bodies and angles
interacting and acted upon by even more forces than those of which we
are aware. We look, interpret based on our own level of perception,
but can never account for all the factors.

Astrology was originally observation of the sky, was the proto-science that astronomy was based upon, much as alchemy branched out into chemistry. Science, any science, is merely a method of observations, speculations, theorizing, testing, more observations, more speculations ... It is not anything so grand as to think of calling something a pseudo-science or nonscientific a denigration. Then, whatever astrology is, it is not a pseudo-science, which would be a fake science. It is an amalgam of scientific observation and metaphysics. Metaphysics is not nonscience either. It is, as you started here, another way of looking at information.
The universe may well, among many other possibilities (the universe as I understand it is quite large and inclusive of so very much we have no knowledge of), act as some kind of hologram. As to "stars" impelling as opposed to compelling, it isn't really either. I don't have any idea of the physics involved, but the astrological chart is kind of a metaphoric map of energies as they manifest in the being the chart represents. Thus, discovering the workings of the particular archetypal energies in our lives better allows us to move the expression of those energies into an awareness state that gives us greater conscious input into the direction of experiences so energized. Of course, there are many other methods that individuals have discovered for that kind of personal empowerment.

Every astrological influence, pretty much like most influences in life, can be interpreted in many, even varied, ways. Thus, for example, a cap moon in the 10th can express as inheld emotion used to better gain ambition's goals; a career involving public traditions; a cold public demeanor to protect against the slings and arrows the business world; building public structures for the protection of families; and on and on. It is very difficult, and pretty counter-productive, to spend your energy trying to be false to your true nature. But just what is the truth of that nature? Doesn't it change with experience? Yet the changes are still true to the original. Sometimes I have kind of psycho-drama internal dialogs between the different influences in my chart, figuring out how we can better all get along.

If we are talking about the astrology of fear, I believe that is the province of Saturn. And what is Saturn's role -- not to scare us to death but to give us pause, caution, learning from pain to keep your hands off that hot stove. Fear is a warning. It is not a barrier unless we use it as such. Saturn's barriers are there to be our ultimate friends, to teach us, not really to control -- more like a good parent sets rules/barriers to give us a useful structure in which to grow. Then, when the lessons have been learned, we are free to use them as best suits us. So, fear is not our enemy, but our concerned friend. We are grateful for our friend's concern, and listen to the warning. Then, we decide how to proceed. As they say courage is not about a lack of fear, but about fearing and acting anyway.

As far as the most painful emotion, that would be grief. I believe that is in the province of Pluto.

Astrology is not something to "believe" in. It is a system of knowledge, very complex, yet very simple. It can be a lifelong obsession. It can be a source of information to check out along with other information to make decisions or plans. Mostly, I like the insight it gives me into people's complex motivations and diverse ways of being.

I get totally obsessed with a character, learn all I can about them, live with them as a parallel reality until they are like true old friends. As I have a strong background in astrology, I create astrological charts for them which helps me to keep in mind exactly who they are.