Saturday, May 20, 2017


I know nothing of these grand debates
that may bring sway upon my fate
writ large on braying wind
Not my decision; not my place.
Far from majesty of Center Stage,
my only power:
Hope to breathe again with every wave.
Not tribalism --
dichotomy is our enemy
forced to choose:  either/or
denying complexity of reality.
Tie us up in duel formality.
Watch freedom die, collaterally.
And, of course, humanity.
For what?  Some “bottom line”?
Remind us why you decide
what choice must die.
Rulers are meant to promote values
move forward within the value system
of the group forming the rules.
Rumination deserves to serve artistic projects
Government funded through royalty payments on
profitable outcomes of government funded research
I tried to hurt myself more than I anticipated from others,
to inoculate against their power.
The problem with We, the People is that we are not
a people, but random individuals and interest groups
fighting amongst ourselves.

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