Saturday, September 25, 2010

A Flash of Movement

A Flash of Movement

She was notably physically expressive, flowing easily from one movement into the next.

"Gets it from her father's kin.  We were much more fixed firmly on the ground.  Not to say we didn't dance when it was warranted."

"I'll just have a cup of this lovely tea, thank you kindly.  Don't need to be fretting now about what I might want later."

We watched the children play.  It was almost akin to visiting another world, one much slower, more real.  Little ones dancing, taking on animal forms, sharing what they understood.

Older folks seem to have their own ways, very important, done just so.  Physically attuned to the Earth, swooping big motions, trenchant idioms, the young experiment.

Bodies -- first order of business -- our means of sharing, learning, taking on the world.  Simplicity, neuron streams relax, slowly integrating responses, building flexible modular collaboration.

She is my avatar, my sacred touchstone.  She moves as one, as all, as wholly defined in harmony and synchrony with that becoming that she is.

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