Saturday, September 25, 2010



And He became The One
as we all came together
in His direction
anointing Him our Saviour
We, so ready to be saved
from evil history
from slavery and hate
looking for a better fate
for our kids
(and, don't kid yourself, ourselves).
Caught up, trapped, in the trappings
of fashion-conscious
altered consciousness
Drugs to cure us of our many flaws
because if you're not flawless you
haven't got a chance
in the marketplace fierce competition.
A youthful escapade can ruin you
for the life
of our peers' and elders' expectations.
And then where are you?
May as well be burning in eternal
damnation -- at last
At least Satan wants you
for your sins.
In a mythical colony,
far from their petulant King
it is said a people
fought and died, and lived again
for freedom.
It is said such pageant plays
are still performed today.
"Freedom is not Free; but based
on blood sacrifice."  They say.
Freedom dependent on militia,
on strictly disciplined troops
firing into pregnant crowds.
Ancient dreamers foretold
potent prophecy.
We will not listen.
We insist on martyrdom
worshipping, as we do,
cults of murder.
This human life leads inexorably
to eternal death,
just as we demand,
when we all come together
anointing yet another One.

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