Saturday, September 18, 2010


Red wine
white russians
the blues
a dark bar cafe
in the rain; in the snow;
in the freakin' blizzard!
You w/o me; me w/o you
writing in our journals
"let you see mine, if you let me see yrs"
No, I don't say that out loud.
I watch you
between frantic scribbling.
I imagine the contours of
your life,
the one you fade into
when you're not here.
Is there someone there
you share journals with?
Laugh with over secrets?
I drink hysterically
laugh uproariously 
within my inner ear.
There is something about me
tragic, sweet, and true
that wants to know your story
be witness to your life.
Please, let me read yours.
Please want to read mine.

Yet again, 
we each leave alone
to witness others' lives
on the tv screen
and make magic love
in our separate dreams.

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